Here it is, at last, the game that was banned from Rick's Café Américain by Major Strasser himself. It's the official "Casablanca Maze Chase" available free for download.

The Story Behind the Game: Ilsa Lund and Victor Laszlo have escaped from Casablanca with Rick's exit visas which he originally got from the late Ugarte. Major Strasser unfortunately still lives after Rick shot him at the airport and he's out for blood. Rick lives haunted by Ilsa's memory.

The Object of the Game: Help Rick to collect money for exit visas so that he can escape from Casablanca. Avoid running into Major Strasser and his Nazi cohorts. If the memory of Ilsa appears to Rick, get him over to her so that he can give her a big kiss. It's just like Pac-Man!

Download: 2.95MB zip file. The game runs only on PC's, sorry Mac users.

Note: you will need a utility such as WinZip to extract the file.

Download "Casablanca Maze Chase" here.

Download WinZip here.

This game could not have been possible without the talented Kevin Karstens who custom built it for me. Thanks Kevin! Visit his site Karstens Creations by clicking here.
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